
ZK Minter Launcher is a web3 app that allows you to launch a ZK Capped Minter contract (V2) via the official ZK Capped Minter Factory contract .

All the code is open source and you can find it on GitHub:

Feel free to fork it and contribute to it!

How to connect your Safe to the app:

1. In the ZK Minter app, click on the "Connect Wallet" button and select "WalletConnect".

2. A small modal will appear. Click on the copy icon (two overlapping squares) to copy the WalletConnect URI.

3. Go to https://app.safe.global/ and open your Safe.

4. In the navigation bar, click on the "WalletConnect" icon.

5. In the modal that appears, enter the WalletConnect URI that you copied in the previous step.

6. Wait for the Safe to connect.

7. You should now see your Safe address in the ZK Minter app.

Made by Tempe Techie for ZK Nation.